UI Overview

This is the homepage for your citizen

This is where all the economic activity happens. Jobs, companies, marketplaces, etc.

This is where you can join the military and fight in battles.

This is for both city and country politics to create constitutions, set up laws, taxes, accepts new citizens, etc.
EarthCorp Shop

The EarthCorp Shop is where EarthCorp sells special items to the citizens of WorldAlpha. It is also where you can purchase EarthBucks for your citizen.

In the Media area you can read newspaper articles, and view TV shows. You can also setup your own newspaper or TV station.

This is where you can chat with other citizens, do a citizen search, etc.

In the Statistics area you can see how your citizen, city, company or country compares with others on WorldAlpha

Currently there is only one WorldAlpha known as World 1. In future there may be multiple servers having a slightly different WorldAlpha gameplay.
Server Time

Time on the server, so that attacks can be coordinated etc.
WorldAlpha Days

This is how many WorldAlpha days have past since citizens first arrived on WorldAlpha. 1 WorldAlpha Day = 1/7 of an Earth Day or about 1 hour and 25 minutes.
Earth Days

This is how many Earth days have past since citizens first arrived on WorldAlpha. 1 Earth Day = 7 WorldAlpha Days.

This is what activities your citizen is currently involved in. By clicking on it, you can add more activities for your citizen. The red number is how many activities you have queued up currently.

These are the quests that can be done by your citizen.

AlphaCoins is the main currency on WorldAlpha. This is the currency that is used to buy and sell products between players. AlphaCoins are also used for payment for working at a job, buying and selling of buildings, companies, real estate and more.

EarthBucks are the virtual currency that is use to buy Special Items from EarthCorp in the EarthCorp shop.
AlphaCoins Transfer

This allows you to transfer your AlphaCoins between your citizen and your companies.

In WorldAlpha you can gain experience through doing a variety of actions. There are 19 different types of experience that you can gain.
Citizen Avatar

The citizen avatar will be shown throughout WorldAlpha when you interact with other players.
Map Coordinates

This is your citizens location on the map.

Your Health Indicator shows how much health you have for your citizen. It is a percentage between 0% and 100%. Under 10% is citizen is in grave danger, and won't be able to do anything, but sleep, eat or be entertained.

Your Happines Indicator shows how happy your citizen is. It is a percentage between 0% and 100%. Under 10% is citizen is in grave danger, and wonât be able to do anything, but sleep, eat or be entertained.

This is a quick link to your inventories both for your citizen as well as your companies.

These are the various mail messages that your citizen can have. The red number is how many mail items you currently have that aren't read.

Messages are received from other citizens

These are messages from your superiors such as owner of your company or officer in your unit.

These are system generated reports about events to your citizen, company, unit, etc.

These are new articles or TV shows based on your subscriptions.
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