Real Estate
Real estate is a very important factor in WorldAlpha. Each neighborhood has a limited amount of plots in each neighborhood. These lots are initially owned by the city, and can be sold off to citizens, companies or their own country. To avoid hoarding each citizen or company is limited to 3 unused lots. These lots can be used to build buildings for a citizen, company, city or country. The amount of lots a building needs is dependent on its quality. It is as follows:
- Quality 1 Building: 1 Lot
- Quality 2 Building: 2 Lots
- Quality 3 Building: 2 Lots
- Quality 4 Building: 3 Lots
- Quality 5 Building: 3 Lots
The only exception to this is a Quality 1 House doesn't require any lots, but each citizen is limited to just one Quality 1 house. Real estate is bought and sold in the Real Estate Marketplace.
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