Setting up First Company with First Building
You need to have a few things in place to produce your first products.
- Buy Required Materials - In order to set up your first production run, you need to have the required materials needed to produce the desired item. To see what you need, you can go to the Production page, and select the item and how many you want to build, and it will let you know what you require. If you are producing a raw material, then no raw materials are needed. Otherwise, you will need to go to the Marketplace and buy the required products.
- Set Up Production Queue - Now if you have all the required materials you can set up your production queue. You go to Production page, select what you want to make and the quantity.
- Work as Owner - Now that you have your Production Queue set up, you can work at your company as an Employee. Go to your Buildings list and click Work as Owner. Now, when you do the Work Activity, it will be applied to the products in your production queue.
- Hire Employees - If you want to speed along production your next step would be to hire employees. You can do that, by Posting a Job. Now, when these employees work, they will apply the work to your production in your production queue.
- Completed Products - When the production is finished, then you will receive your completed products, which you can then use or sell in the product marketplace.
Congratulation your built your first products!
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