Getting Started
Activities and Activity Queue

- Activity
One of the most important things to do, when starting WorldAlpha is keeping your citizen busy with activities. With activities you can make money, train for the military, and increase your health and happiness. - Work
Initially everyone should work awhile, even if you want to go in the military, just to gain some money, and get a feel for WorldAlpha. To do this activity, you need to get a job in the Job Market. Once you have a job, then go back to the Portal, and click the Work Icon. You need to click the Briefcase work icon, and it brings up another, which you click, and see the number of hours you wish to work. Click the number of hours and then your citizen will start working. A timer is set and counts down, and when you complete your work, you will receive the wages from your employer. - Train
In order to increase your strengths and ability for the military, you need to train. Click the Train button, and then the Train without equipment, and the number of hours you wish to train. When the timer is done, you will receive the strength and rank experience points. You have the option of buying Exercise Equipment to increase the effectiveness of your training. As well if your city or national government have set up an academy in your neighborhood, you can train there as well for even more strength increase. - Entertainment
Activities like work and training decrease your health and happiness, so in order to get them back up, you need to do other activities like Entertainment. Entertainment helps with happiness. You select Entertainment, and then you can read a book and how many hours. You can them purchase other entertainment options in the marketplace. You can buy a cellphone, computer, television and family room set. Each of them increasingly giving you higher happiness for your time, but increasingly taking up more room in your house. - Sleep
Like Entertainment, Sleep is needed to increase health and happiness at higher hours. You select Sleep and then select how many hours. To increase the benefits you can purchase a bedroom set. - Eat
Eating increases health as well as happiness at the higher quality levels. Meals need to be purchased in the marketplace, and eat time you eat it consumes one use of the food. - Activity Queue
You can assign multiple tasks at once and they will fill up your activity queue. The maximum queue for World 1 is 5 items. If you log out of the game, you activities will still be completed.
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